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Home/Blog - The “Drop and Fluff” Process After Breast Augmentation

During the first few months after breast augmentation surgery, the breasts typically undergo significant changes. Throughout this period, the breasts often look and feel unnatural; for example, the implants tend to sit high on the chest, especially when placed partly under the muscle (submuscular or dual plane), and they may also feel hard to the touch.

Although it can be disconcerting, this stage of the breast augmentation process is normal. Your implants will generally require time to “drop and fluff” following the procedure; in other words, they will need to settle into place. Below, our Consultant Plastic Surgeon provides an overview of what many women experience during this time.

For approximately two weeks after your augmentation, you will likely notice a certain amount of swelling. As the swelling resolves and the tissues loosen, the implants should “drop” into a lower position on the chest and fill out the lower pole of the breast. After dropping, the implants should begin to look and feel more natural and take on more lower pole fullness (the part of the process known as “fluffing”). From there, the nipples frequently begin to project forwards or even upwards as more volume fills out the lower pole of the breast.

The length of time it takes for the implants to settle varies from patient to patient. In some cases, it may only take a few weeks, whereas in others, it may take as long as several months. Sometimes, one breast may drop and fluff more quickly than the other. The process tends to take longer with larger implants, patients with minimal loose skin, and implants placed beneath the pectoral muscle (i.e. those that were placed via the submuscular or “dual plane” techniques).

During this early period, Mr Townley prefers to see his patients regularly to ensure everything is progressing normally. These follow-up visits can provide an excellent opportunity for you to ask any questions that may arise. No matter the specifics of your case, Mr Townley will personalise your care to encourage a safe recovery.

To learn more about breast augmentation, feel free to schedule your consultation with Mr Townley.

Editor’s note: The original version of this blog was posted on 2 May 2017.